Linked Data & Bibframe in Context (Cataloging)

This session will introduce the concept of linked data and why it is significant, explain the Bibframe data model and the current state of Bibframe, and explain how linked data and Bibframe are related. We will look at the Library of Congress’ Bibframe proof of concept editor Marva and Stanford’s editor, speculate on how a Bibframe/linked data environment might change our current work, and introduce some activities that allow users to contribute to linked data initiatives now.

Learning Outcomes
Participants will be able to recognize the concepts of linked data, resource description framework, and the Bibframe abstraction levels and core classes. Participants will have the information necessary to consider how they might contribute to linked data initiatives.


Bobby Bothmann is a professor at Minnesota State University, Mankato where he serves as the catalog and metadata librarian. Bobby catalogs analog and digital resources of all kinds, including books, serials, moving images, objects, cartographic resources, musical and spoken word audio recordings, and music in between many meetings. Bobby also moonlights as an adjunct instructor for the School of Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he teaches cataloging and classification courses and tries to covert one student per semester to the cataloging side of the Force.