Promoting Your Library in the Community

You know what a valuable resource your library is – but do the members of your community know? When we are immersed in the library environment ourselves, it’s easy to forget that there are many in our community who really don’t know what we have to offer. So it’s our job to tell them!

Promoting Your Library in the Community will prepare you to do just that. In this 90-minute online session, we’ll brainstorm ways to get the attention of not only our patrons, but also members of our community who may wonder just what goes on at their local libraries.

We’ll discuss avenues for promotion: How can we get the message out? Where should we go to talk about our library? What should we talk about? There is no one who knows better why your library is such an important part of the community – and a passionate employee can promote your library like no one else!

But wait! Does this mean I have to be a public speaker?? Not at all! All you have to do is talk about where you work.

Join us for this session and learn how to help others discover one of your community’s greatest treasures…your library!


Linda Bruno has been developing and conducting training workshops for libraries for more than fifteen years. Her favorite thing to do is to help people become their best selves! That’s why she offers workshops on topics ranging from Leadership Skills to Emotional Intelligence – and lots of areas in between.